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Bush in Limericks book cover
You'll want to own our new book called Trump in Limericks featuring many of the limericks we wrote for our site currently plus lots of new ones you won't find anywhere else. There are over 300 limericks and 200 pages in the book. You will really enjoy reading it. Available in paperback and ebook. Get more ordering information here.

More Trump in Limericks book
And you'll also want to buy our most recent book More Trump in Limericks with original artwork, poems, a few interesting topics, and over 100 limericks right up to the election. Now available in paperback. Find more ordering information here.

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We have very limited supply of these products but if you still want one, you wlil need to contact us and tell us what you wish to order. Our cart is no longer usable for ordering any products.

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Burning Bush Firestarter

The Burning Bush Fire Starter - Toast the former President Today!

The Burning Bush Fire Starter is a standard functional fire starter decorated to make it much more entertaining to use. It's the ideal house-warming gift and/or the perfect gift for your liberal Democratic friends and relatives. The Burning Bush comes packaged in a lovely and very funny display box, with testimonials and product information on the box including:
"The only good bush is a burning bush"...Moses 1450 BC
and is best used giving Bush one final heave-ho this winter!

Description: This fire starter is a composite of paraffin and sawdust with a wick in the back for easier ignition. Each one weighs more than half a pound and will easily light any fireplace or bonfire. Of course, with the decorations they are considerably more fun to burn than normal fireplace logs. These fire starters burn for 15-20 minutes. With the wick lighting them from the back, the flames come from the top and the side and the face takes a satisfyingly long time to burn off. With winter still raging, now is the perfect time to buy one of these funny kits.

CAUTION: Use only when NOT under government surveillance.

There's still plenty of enjoyment to be had watching Bush's face burn in your fireplace. These make great house-warming gifts too!

Originally sold for $9.95 each
Now on sale for only $5.95 plus shipping and handling

Bates on Bush cartoon book

Bates on Bush Cartoon book

After years of producing celebrity portraits, world-wide sketches, and weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone, Pulitzer nominee, Bill Bates has become a cherished icon in California's Carmel-by-the-sea. As the political cartoonist for the Monterey County Herald, his efforts won him a California Newspaper Publisher's award.

This book of Bill Bates' cartoons is a thumbs-up collection of laughs with often a tug at the heart and even a tear or two but it's also a visual chunk of American history likely to long endure. Each cartoon comes with its own unique commentary as depicted vertically on this sample page below.

Page from Bates on Bush book

Cartoon drawings are in black and white as shown above. Each book measures 8-1/2" long by 5-1/2" high making it perfect for gift-giving.

Originally sold for $9.95
Now on sale for only $5.45 with FREE shipping and handling.

Bush postcards

The George W. Bush Out of Office Countdown Postcards

Hang in there--it’s almost over! Twenty-four hilarious postcards will help you count down to the bitter end of the Bush presidency.

Goofy photos and the best of Bush bloopers, blunders and tortured syntax will get you to that long-awaited, fabled day: January 20, 2009.

"In terms of timetables, as soon as possible, whatever that means."

"They misunderestimated me."

These are very high quality glossy colored postcards. Both the photos and their captioning are clever and very funny! This item will make a great stocking stuffer.

Originally cost $9.95
Now on sale for only $4.95 with FREE shipping and handling

Joker Bush

Actual Poster Size: 24" x 36" with white borders top and bottom
Actual Image Size on Poster: 17-1/2" x 27"

(Printed on high-quality heavy shiny paper)

Close-out price of only $5.95 each - These are large posters!

Shipped by first class mail.

Deception Dollars - Two Different Clever Designs!

One Billion
Billion Deception Dollar - Front

DECEPTION DOLLARS are near-perfect replicas of real money - only a bit larger. We have fun passing them out to strangers, posting them on bulletin boards, or leaving them on tables along with tip money for the waitstaff to find. Almost everything on these bills has been slightly altered to expose the corrupt Bush Administration. It's even more fun when you get out the magnifying glass, to read the hidden little messages and informational web addresses on these bills. Lots of enjoyment and well worth the price! They also make a perfect gag gift for your politically inclined friends.

Just click on each bill to view the front and back of each design on a larger image.

Media Deception dollar
Media Deception Dollar - Front

To order Deception Dollars use the below links for the quantity you want. The cart will give you options to choose the design. You can mix your order betwen the two designs on quantities of 50 or more. To mix your order, just give us instructions of how many of each you want in the "Special Instructions" box during checkout. The more you buy - the more you save! Regardless of the amount you buy, Deception Dollars sell with only our minimum shipping charge of .85 cents per order.

Pack of 25 dollars

We will mix and match if you leave us instructions of how many of each you want of the two designs. Otherwise we will send you all of the same you have selected from the pulldown menu.

Very limited quantities available

Only $3.50 for 25 Deception Dollars with FREE shipping!

Progressive Card Decks

The Original Dean Deck

Why play poker with just any "normal" deck when you can use one of these?

The Original Dean Deck has cards that recall and highlight DNC Chairman Howard Dean's energized and exciting campaign for President. It should become a political collectible. View some cards from this deck.

The And Marriage For All deck pictured above is sold out!

Description: Each deck is a casino-quality, regulation poker deck, containing 52 caricatures accompanied by quotes by or about the individual on the card.

Decks were originally $9.95. Now only $2.50 each with FREE shipping and handling while they last. Where can you find any new deck of cards this cheap?


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