Us Find a New Slogan for Fox News
Topplebush.com decided to help Fox News find
a new slogan that actually fits their news programming
with the help of our fantastic group of viewers. The below
list includes some phrases we came up with and where indicated,
the phrases submitted by our viewers. This list began
on September 4, 2003 and has grown a lot since then.
Feel free
to email
this list of slogans to all of your friends. This
project will be lots of fun if everyone pitches in to
of New Slogans for Fox News:
"Just like the religious right, we can tell our customers anything and they will believe it! Another perfect model for taking money from morons."
"With ignoramuses for viewers, we can lie with impunity"
"Making the world safe for fascism"
"Sexual Predators R US"
"We'll say anything. It's up to you to decide if any of it true."
"Trump-sponsored Faux News"
"If we can defend sexual predators we are capable of saying anything"
"Worse then the Wall Street Journal's editorial section"
"Everything will always be Obama's fault"
"We'll be talking about Hillary Clinton's emails as long as we have an audience"
"Our advertisers don't care about Democracy either"
"Making all our dumb viewers think tax cuts for billionaires are good for them"
"What news? It's about spreading rightwing propaganda, stupid!"
"Trump News Network"
bought C-grade comedian Dennis Miller too"
the the world safe for stupidity"
on steroids"
you haven't heard it before, it's because we made it up"
in Reporting"
disagree with us! We'll sue you!"
and Unbalanced"
must be true because Karl Rove said so"
in time with Conservative Republicans"
gospel according to Rove"
all rant and rave"
of the Bickering Bitches"
and Balance...NOT!"--from a viewer
distort, You decide."--from a viewer
"Don't believe everything you see on Fox News. If you do, you're more stupid than you already were." --from viewer Drake
"When we lie on Fox News we get promoted!" --from viewer Drake
the way you like it: Straight from the horse's ass"--from
a viewer
with Bullshit"--From Richard in Las Vegas, NV
As A Fox"--from a viewer
to the Right Starts Here"--from a viewer
in the Chicken Coop News"--from Jim Brewster,
Tacoma, WA
of the Right Wing"--from a Canadian viewer
& Paid For"--from a viewer
President's overpaid whores"--from Bethlyn in
'T&A' with Conservative Family Values.....that's us, we're
FOX!"--from Stanley S. Churchill, MS
for the RNC"--from Michael
World"--from Michael
in the Middle"
Most Wanton"
'King of the Hill'"
Development II"
Shining Bright"
Viewpoint - Works for Us!"
want Arrested Development? Then watch us!--from a viewer
ALWAYS right!"--from a viewer with minor editing
need facts when you've got right wing spin?"
don't allow facts to get in the way of good spin."
& Belligerent Reporting"--from Nick Saunders a
viewer in Ohio
News: The Republican Slanted News Network
'It's UnPatriotic to Question Us!'"--from Billy
R. Kidwell, CEO www.VetsForJustice.com
Distortions Chcok Full of Catchy One Liner Journalism
So Even Americans Can Follow Along"--from David
Finucane, a viewer in New Jersey
news is always right; the other guys can report what's
left and in the middle."--from an unknown viewer
only Information Ministry with the guts to tell America
that everything is just fine."--from a viewer [supposedly
uttered on the Simpsons to describe USA Today]
people get their news from us than any other source. And
the rest are terrorists."--from viewer B. McKenna
Fox that licks chickenhawks"--from a viewer
... at the speed of lies"--from a viewer
WE can't spin this Republican dung into electoral gold!"--from
JWS, a viewer
bend over so we can blow some more smoke up your ass!"--from
a viewer
Unbalanced"--from a viewer
network that Bush needs, period!"--from viewer,
Adam Sheehan
"FOX:The network for every horse's ass!"
"The anti-liberal (though we won't admit it) network"
"The regurgitative conservative network"
"Fox--when you've had enough real news for one day"
"Tune us in for the FoxNews Spin"
"Fox: We'll take you for a spin!"
"Fox: The Enchanted Forest of Network News"
"Bill & Sean, Bill & Sean, makes you keep your t.v.'s
on! Go Foux! (yourself)"
"The FoxCroft United States of America Official White
House Network"
"Why settle for just news when you can settle for
Fox?"--all from Maria from Chicago
News"--from viewer, Kathy in PA
Broadcasting Corporation [BBC]"
"George's Monica"
"Home of reporters with 'flags in their lapels'"
"Fox News, watch this and get fat and stupid"
"Fox News, the Matthew Hopkins of the news world"--from
a viewer in England
by name and by nature"--from a viewer
Proud to add our voices to the Republican echo chamber--from
viewer, Raphaela
won't confuse the issue with the facts"--from
viewer, Trisha
here, we're too far right, get used to it"--from
viewer, Mel McGee
News, Shit or Shinola, You Decide!"--from viewer,
Patrick Stephens
Shmooz...We can't be bothered with that - if ya' want
news, try CNN"--from a viewer named Sunny
News 'Bull' Market"--from viewer, Jim Ginch
Jazeera"--from a viewer named Dan
the world in such flux, you need your facts flossed by
Fox"--from a viewer in Australia
the shit that ain't fit to print"--from
a viewer
for the People" --from
Aaron Cook
REWS (RUES)"--from
a viewer
News - Fairly Unbalanced..."--from
J.A. Landa, a viewer
let the fact that we're owned by a rich Australian Conservative
and 90% of our programming is talk shows rather than news
confuse you into thinking: WE'RE (not) LOOKING OUT FOR
viewer Mark
News: You know about 'liberal media bias' because we teach
you about it in ALL of our programming around the clock."
("Liberal Media Bias" is a term stressed to the max by
Fox News smut peddlers Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and
Neil Cavuto just to name a few) --from viewer Keith
Rogers, UT
News: Were 'Fair and Balanced' when it comes to issues
we agree on!" (Anyone who has ever watched Faux News
will know what I mean) --from viewer Keith Rogers,
News: We'll mix inspiring music with any footage of stuff
being blown up." (The last one was a reference to
Fox News when they mixed in classical music in with footage
of Iraq being bombed by US forces in March 2003) --from
viewer Keith Rogers, UT
Con News Network"
and Biased News" --from viewer Erica, KS
News...because we're blind as a bat"
Girls of Fox News..looks, beauty and that's where it STOPS!"
"Even Hitler Wishes He Had Us Back Then"
"Fair and Balanced Journalism...Because You'll never know..."
"We report you decide, because no ones counting the
times WE'VE LIED...."
"From Our Toilet, To Your Brain, As Long As Bush Is At
The Reign" --from viewer Robert, CA
News: Unencumbered by the truth" -- from viewer
Charles, KS
News! Maximum Cant, Minimum Balance!" --from viewer
Lehmberg, AL
so damn sly, we don't even have to try to lie!" --from
viewer Nick, IL
& Balanced? Ask O'Reilly and Hannity!" --From
viewer Vic, FL
Freedom Re(s)ign" --from a viewer
News: Bushes Monica" -- from viewer Narine, NY
party line all the time, and if you disagree, go FOX yourselves!"
--from viewer Steven, GA
worst nightmare: A bunch of rabid right-wing zealots with
a whole network as a fascist playground." --from
viewer Drew, CO
distort it, you just listen." --from viewer John,
to the Asylum" --from viewer Barbara, TX
Spin Zone" --from a viewer
smoke blowing from the right" --from a viewer
Subversion Zone" --from a viewer
NEWS: For those who can't handle the truth." --from
a viewer
NEWS: Where up is down, black is white, hot is cold, and
Bush is great." --from a viewer
NEWS: You don't have to be honest if you're right."
--from a viewer
to be trapped into mourning the loss of troops or asking
out loud why we are in Iraq" --from a Doonesbury
reference to a memo from an editor to Fox News staffers
you aren't getting dumber, we aren't doing our job."
NEWS: We will tell any lies to help Bush win a second
term" --from viewer Ira, NY
NEWS: The Bush ass- kissing channel" --from viewer
Ira, NY
O'Reilly - Not so O'Really!!" --from a viewer
a Peak at Double Speak!" --from Sylvia, CA
with us or SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" --from a viewer
by the Fox in the White House" --from a viewer
fox sake!" --from viewer Michael, South Africa
News supports George W.Bush,
Though he makes bad decisions while sitting on his tush,
Fox will glamorize what Dubya does,
Even though his brain cells are compressed, flaky fuzz."
--from viewer Bill, PA
in the Bush-House: Virtual news from the virtual president."
--from viewer Dr. Pam, SD
where we want you"
"Psychosis Television"
"Alternate Reality Television"
"Fo(lie à deu)x (Just us and you)" --from
viewer Thane, Japan
be wise - Just buy our lies" --from viewer Jimmy, CA
- The Fascist News Network" --from viewer Robert,
really FOX with your brain."
"Be afraid. Stay home. Watch FOX."
"Yellow journalism never looked so white!"
"Fox Facts: From the White House to you!"
"Re-elect Bush or we'll run out of news."
"We look stupid so Bush doesn't have to."
"Keep your eyes on the Blue Dress!"
"Only leftist homos watch anything else."
"Don't worry, we'll become unpatriotic and unsupportive
*if* President Kerry takes office; that's fair and balanced!"
--from a viewer
News -- Spread it Around (Works great on the lawn!"
--from a viewer
Distort, You Comply!"
"We Don't Tell You Anything We Don't Want You To
"Pay no attention to that smirking creep behind the
"Lies! We are the Lying Liars who tell them!"
"Fox News...because we know what's good for you."
"Fox. We speak out if one side of our ass...the RIGHT
"Fox News...We have "liberal" commentators...but
they are pale and have no balls."
"Right is Might!"
"There IS no vast right-wing conspiracy! It's RIGHT
out in the open on Fox!"
"Fox! Where Kobe is bigger than Kerry!"
"Fox...All Michael Jackson, all the time!"
"Fox! Our polls reflect how we really feel!"
"Put down your shotgun, pop open a beer and turn
the antenna on your trailer to Fox! We won't disappoint
you! "
"You know you're a redneck if you believe Fox News!"
--from viewer Susan, TX
"Foxy Noose--for those too stupid to read and too
lazy to think!" --from viewer "caretaker"
in IN
UP! LISTEN!... now do what you're TOLD!!" --from
viewer J.P. in CA
us, we are smarter than you." --from a viewer
News - slanting the facts so you don't have to."
--from a viewer
snooze channel." --from a viewer
all Spin Zone." --from a viewer
best source for trickle-down news." --from a viewer
News Channel. Proving why America needs to pay attention."
--from a viewer
browbeating" --from a viewer
- America's news source (as long as you're not liberal)"
--from a viewer
conservative just isn't conservative enough" --from
a viewer
News: favoring Bush more than porno!" --from a
let the news confuse you - that's our job." --from
a viewer
Central!" --from a viewer
reporting, homo free!" --from a viewer
- News for the nucular family." --from a viewer
and balanced distorting" --from a viewer
fair and balanced and stupid and ignorant and bigoted"
--from a viewer
Narrow-minded Conceptions" --from a viewer
- Life Unexamined" --from a viewer
- Fostering O'Reillian Xenophobes" --from a viewer
News - a Bush league of its own" --from a viewer
and balanced regressivism" --from a viewer
- putting the "pure" in puerile" --from a viewer
news in the right light" --from a viewer
News: Hail to the Thief...I mean CHIEF!" --from
a viewer
News: We don't lie! We just don't tell the truth!"
--from viewer Moe, in England
News: Just cuz we made it up, doesn't mean it won't happen"
--from a viewer in England
NEWS, Where PROPOGANDA IS KING" --from a viewer
Fake News Conspiracy" --from a viewer
nation's misleading news source" --from a viewer
us because we can read you this crap and still keep a
straight face!" --from a viewer
be even funnier if so many people did't think we were
the voice of God" --from a viewer
call us if you don't agree" --from a viewer
home of Bully O'Reilly and his clone Sham Hannity"
--from a viewer
news source George Orwell predicted" --from a
can put a conservative spin on hog market reports"
--from viewer Ken, IL
the 'American Dream' for the few affluent actually living
it" --from a viewer
imbalanced!" --from a viewer
context-free news provider" --from a viewer
you can't get anywhere else, because we made it up"
--from viewer Ken, IL
you mean it was called propaganda in the Soviet Union?
You gotta problem whit dat?" -- from viewer Ken,
for the people by the Right, for the Right. No further
discussion is needed nor allowed........unless you agree
100%" --from a viewer
news covered up to the highest standards" --from
a viewer
and callous" --from a viewer
FACTOR" --from a viewer
won't bore you with confusing facts and the truth"
--from a viewer
is no gravity, FOX SUCKS!" --from viewer Susan,
BUSH'S 527" --from viewer Ira, NY
get even with all those pointy-headed liberals that laugh
at you" --from a viewer
it Right here!" --from a viewer
change the channel or you might miss more B**S**"
--from viewer Ken, IL
Bush Fox the American public" --from viewer Greg,
can distort the news because our viewers don't require
"Fox News: The living embodiment of Joseph Geobbels"
"Fox News: Fair like cancer, balanced like Louis
"Fox News: It's not just for Brown Shirts, anymore"
--from viewer Lee, Mountain View
is, jingo is, jingoism is the way..." --from a
News: replacing cogent argumentation with good old-fashioned
vitriol!" --from a viewer
--from a viewer
News: Because you're too stupid to know the truth"
--from viewer Daniel, PA
UP! Now, as we told you fifteen minutes ago.......SHUT
UP!" --from viewer Ken, IL
tuned because bu..sh.. happens" --from viewer
Ken, IL
news and convention production company" --from
a viewer
we really lying if it's for a good cause?" --from
a viewer
News: Fairly Unbalanced" --from viewer John, LA
Necessarily News" --from a viewer
W. NEWS: Is the dubya for White Supremacy or Warmongor?
We'll let you decide. " --from a viewer
news across the Solar System - from our mouths to Uranus"
--from a viewer
NEWS: If you want intelligent reporting go to Comedy Central's
"The Daily Show", but for a good laugh tune into us."
--from a viewer
in news for the unedumacated" --from a viewer
really are fair and balanced because we let Juan Williams
talk for a few seconds every Sunday morning (What are
you thinking Juan?)" --from a viewer
Fair and Balanced (I'm George W. Bush and I approved this
message)" -- from a viewer
Obvious Xcrement" --from viewer Gene, NC
out of the White(hen)House" --from viewer JS Boyd,
decide so you don't have to!" --from viewer Beth,
and Biased" --from viewer Mark, Altoona
FCC should be fining us too for indecency"
SUX!" --from a viewer
not Propaganda, it's Hypothetical Reporting!"
--from a viewer
Fox News - No other channel has B.O." --from a
sex scandals on The O'Reilly Factor" --from a
news from the front lines of OIL (Operation Iraqi Liberation)"
-- from a viewer
learned our cheap shots and dirty tricks from the Republicans"
--from a viewer
well that ends well!" --from a viewer
NEWS? Replace our "o" with a "u" 'cause that's what we
do! --from a viewer
are watching FOX NEWS: the new CNN, where the "C" is for
crap!" -- from viewer Murita
you always need fear"
"All flair, no credibility"
"We spew diarrhea, so you don't have to!"
"Because we control the media"
"Because you're too lazy to discredit us"
"Self-righteous incompetence"
"The McDonald's of news networks" --from viewer Michael,
and BALONEY" --from viewer Jesse, NV
by the Bushshit...I mean BULLshit" -- from a viewer
News: Proud Home of the Hick Magnates" --from
Jennifer, IN
so far to the right we sometimes fall over..."
--from Jack, MA
distort, you subscribe" --from Keith, OH
News---- where reality is not relevant" --from
a viewer
(Fascist Neocon Network)---We tell you what to think!"
--from a viewer
News - You're a terrorist if you watch anything else"
"Fox News - Because Bush said so"
"Fox News - KILL THE TERRORISTS!!!! No the Muslim
ones not the Republicans"
"Fox News - All the truth, all the time, all the
way from Bush's mouth"
"Fox News - Bush. If only all men were like you *sigh*
In other news Fox would like to point out that it does
not favour any administration"
"Fox News - Why the hell are you watching this shit?"
"Fox News - Bias towards Bush?!?!?!?!? What have
you been watching!!!!!!" --from a viewer
is tough work. Leave it to us." - The Fox News Channel
- A refreshing start for brain-dead individuals"
--from a viewer
you are with us or you are against us" - Fox News Channel
- "You can run but you cannot hide" --from a viewer
Fact-err - The Nose Pin Zone" --from a viewer
- The Frustrated Old Xenophobes news network"
--from Greg, PA
re-elected. Mission accomplished"
"Kerry's been shot. News at 3:00 AM"
"Tilted talking heads and proud of it"
"Catering to Bubbas and Biblethumpers for four elections
now" --from viewer Rob
Stepford News----Held together with Screw---balls!"
"Listen and Watch ONLY to Find the Morals & Values-----NOT!"
"Stand with Us & Topple the United States"
--from Debbie, NV
Rhetoric and Stepford Women-24/7" --from a viewer
unfair and biased look at the wrong" --from a viewer
go ask Alice? Try Fox!"
"Fox, right as reign!" --from viewer Waddie,
The only only Network that shows were the troops WILL
"Fox: We will take you flip-floppers...Like Mr. Miller"
--from viewer Chris, WV
news with minimum Trust" --from Misbah, Pakistan
News - First in Right Wing Lemming Blather"
"Fox News - Can you believe this shit?"
"Fox News - Blindly lead by Bushisms" --
from a viewer in WA
Daily Show, no longer the only fake news" -- from Joseph,
the news we made up" -- submitted by a viewer
Redefining 'A new low'"
"Fox: Fake news for fake people"
"FOX: Keeping the mass in a state of fear since the
Republicans came to power" --from viewer Dan,
bullshit - and we're working on the rest" --from
Alice, UK
out of 10 white supremists prefer us"--from a
content than porn without a plot"
"We're like the CIA...without the intelligence"
--from a viewer
News: Blight Made Right"
"Dumbing down the news so everyone can understand
it." --from a viewer
with flavour" --from Waqar in Pakistan
That Is Unbalanced And Fabricated - If You Want The Truth
Find Another Source" --from viewer George, IA
the People misinformed" --from a viewer in Germany
George Bush and I approve of this news."
"If you didn't hear it from us then I couldn't have happened."
--from Arlough, UT
always RIGHT!" --from Patricia, VA
News: THE Mother of Invention"
"Fox News: Air Heads of the Air Waves"
"Fox News: Fair and Balanced just like the Bush budget..."
"Fox--where we care enough to vend the very least"
"Fox--at the bottom of your television dial"
-- from viewer GG
News-Fairly Biased" --from Mike, NJ
"Dutchland under Ailes"
"Far Unbalanced"
"The Mistrusted Name in News"
"We distort, lie, and hide"
"Ratso Reilly"
"The No Spine Zone" --from Adam, MA
We're so right we're wrong!" --from Justin, S.
opinion..the rest fact"
News: Because ignorance really is bliss!!"
"Fox News: The official "News" service of the Fatherland"
--from a viewer
and Balanst" (the Fox slogan as meaningless gibberish)
--from Rick
News: Are we right, or are we right?" --from a
News: Simple News For Simple Minds" --from Mark,
official news agency of the American Taliban!" --from
Rick, FL
Distort, You Decry" --from Pradeep, Australia
"Hicks believe us, and that's what matters"
"The closing of the American mind"
"Over-exaggerated and over-appreciated" --from
Motomo, ME
American Al Jazeera Network" --from Rick, FL
for Taliban Republicans and their fundie base"
"Cluster Faux"
Tabloid News - Our slogan is: 'You can fool some of the
people some of the time, but we think we can fool Fox
viewers all of the time.'" --from Bill, Aberdeen,
News: the Good News: To show we are fair and balanced
we have hired a Democrat. the Bad News: It is Zell Miller"
--from Bill, Aberdeen, Scotland
now on we will be called 'Aruba News Channel'" --from
Bill, Aberdeen, Scotland
prove that mad cow disease can be transmitted to humans
- watch us when Ann Coulter is on." --from Bill,
Aberdeen, Scotland
lies without the stutter..." --from viewer Al
BUSH BLOW JOB NETWORK" --from aussiegirl
- The Mushroom News Network. We keep you in the dark and
feed you crap." --from a viewer
NOW! STONEWALL LATER!" --from a viewer
NEWS AT THE SPEED OF LIES" --from a viewer
BELIEVE THE TRUTH!" --from viewer JoJo
THE PROPAGANDA FIT TO AIR" --from a viewer
heard a Fox News commentator who reminded me of Joseph
"Oh Really?"
"No O'Reilly!" --from viewer TD
News, all the news thats fit for Republicans"
"Fox News, Proudly paid for by the RNC" --from
viewer, Jimmy, MO
Fascist, All the Time" --from viewer Jill, NV
make you feel better about being an a**hole...24 hours
a day" --from viewer Erich
Flatulence, Offal, Xcretia" --from viewer Alamaine
off on the Right foot...with Fox Paws (faux pas, n'est-ce
pas?)" --from viewer Lizzie, TN
report the truth like 'HILTER'" --from viewer Larry,
Los Angeles, CA
of the Right Wing Sword Now With Added Geraldo"
--from Gregg, Sacriston, England
"sLIE as a FOX" --from Gregg, Sacriston, England
in the media had to ridicule the victims of Hurricane
on the shit in American-sized portions" --from
a viewer in Wales
of Mass Stupidity"
"Hot Air Central"
"Swagger City" --from a viewer
"Keeping You In The Dark" --from viewer Arnold, SK,
Reality" --from viewer Herbert, Bonn, Germany
--from J., Naples, FL
anchors gone wild!"
"Fairly Balanced on our GOP stump"
"No boring news reports here, just 24 hr. a day GOP
"Evangelicals Reporting On Our Church Run Government"
--from viewer Dennis, Kokomo, IN
FEAR and SMEAR" --from a viewer
drums for war" --from viewer Mary, MD
NEWS, FOX US, FOX YOU" --from viewer Laura, Brooklyn,
News: Fear and Misbalance"
"FOX News: We Purport to Report. You Cannot Decide It."
"FOX News: Where Bill O'Reilly says 'SHUT THE FOX UP!'"
"Even Stewie Griffin and Homer Simpson are Funnier than
O'Reilly!" --from viewer in Canada
our meds and proud of it!" --from a viewer
News: Verbal diarrhea. We deceive you believe."
"Faux News: We make The Enquirer look credible."
--from a viewer in WI
NEWS? rrrrriiiggghhhttt, sure, we got news. really we
do. We just won't tell you"
"And you thought Terri Schiavo was brain dead?"
"Faux News: When real news breaks, we fix it"
--from viewer Dennis, RI
NEWS: The yearly winner of Joseph Goebbels' award for
truthful, fair and balance reporting." --from
a viewer
Only (e)Xtremists"
"Not Ever Worth Seeing" --from a viewer
News. We report what we decide." --from a viewer
lying comes easy! --from George, Oxnard, CA
report, you deride!"
spewing from the right Fox hole" --from viewer
Richard, Dana, IN
- The fair and balanced Factor as to why White Women are
Missing" --from viewer LP, Cambridge, MA
news thats fair and balanced for all republicans"
--from a viewer
Fascist...O: Oligarchs...X: Xenophobes"
"WE divide and hate...and... We expect you to"
--from Mark, Littleton, CO
if it makes us money..." --from viewer Libby, IL
news is FOXed up" --from viewer Richard, Canada
bites for the Right" --from a viewer
the news thats fit to tint" --from viewer Ron,
Wes Covina, CA
News- Because the truth is so boring!" --from
viewer Dennis, Marion, IN
News Network or Repubcan Spin Newtwork ? You Decide"
--from viewer Steve, Joplin, MO
not us? You already buy every other lie we tell you"
--from viewer Dennis, Marion, IN
view CNN's loss of Bob Novak as our gain!"
& Slanted (always to the right)" --from viewer
Joel, Canada
report, we decide"
--from a viewer
of the Court of Imperial George"
--from a viewer
you NEED to hear just what you WANT to hear choose FOX
"FOX News: Fairly partial to the Imbalanced."
"F alse
O bscene
X enophobic"
"If you're not frightened to death then we are not doing
our job." --from viewer MLarkin, Philadelphia, PA
Corporate Reporting Without The News"
"Right Reported News At All Times" --from
viewer Larry, Seffner, Florida
No Facts Zone" --from a viewer
and Slanted" --from viewer Clay, Florence, Alabama
News BIG BROTHER in Action, coming right to your living
room, all day, every day! Keep watching, or else..!"
--from a viewer
News: The brown acid for the 21st Century" --from
viewer Bo, Richmond, VA
News: Daily Ration of Bushit" --from viewer rdeluca,
Auburn, New York
Misinformation Superhighway"
"For the Fearful and Unbalanced"
"F_orum O_f X_enophobes (F.O.X.)"
"W_hite H_ouse O_mnipresent R_eactionary E_xecutive
S_pin (W.H.O.R.E.S)" --from viewer L. Douglas,
Columbus, OH
SPIN ZONE" --from viewer Brian, Hollywood, FL
sez" --from a viewer
out our blonde brain dead bimbo Stepford wives" --from
a viewer
the real never ending story (of bullshit)" --from
a viewer
News: Let's Play Slime Ball" --from Zonker, PA
and Biased"
--from a viewer
the 'duh' in W.--from viewer Dave, Lake Placid, FL
Newspeak - "False is true" --from viewer B. White,
Parsonfield, ME
Big Brother's Little Brother" --from viewer Zubverzive,
NEWS...Because You Can't Handle The Truth" --from
a viewer
News: Someone has to give Brit Hume a job!" --from
viewer Stash, Washington
attempt to adjust your TV set. We control the vertical.
We control the horizontal. We control the fairness and
"The rub is the shrub"
"This has been a Bushvision Production" --from
viewer Stephen, Portland, OR
the RIGHT news, where the truth matters less..."
--from viewer Steve, MA
news channel that gives horseshit a bad name" --from
a viewer
before the excuses start)" --from RenoMike, Reno,
News - The Station That Can Even Make Ann Coulter Look
Smart!" --from a viewer
it's news, we'll misreport it!" --from a viewer
News?" --from viewer Sunny
and Blame"
--from viewer Clif
SPIN STARTS HERE -What say YOU, Mr. O'Reilly?"
"No Bloviating, Just BullSh&t" --from viewer Kathy,
Blytheville, Arkansas
News: Facts Free News"
"Listen to Sean Insanity and Bill UnReality"
--from viewer Harry, Grand Rapids, MI
NEWS: No Boring Facts - Just News The Way We Like It!"
--from viewer W. Schmitt, CT
all the news you should not believe!"
"Misinformation creates opportunity!"
"Don't worry, we will report what we said we would
sometime tonight"
"We all wear heavy makeup and that makes us believable"
"We call it spin because we turn stories around to
suit us" --from a viewer
read the White House talking points, you decide"
"Ignorance isn't bliss--it's next on Fox News"
--from viewer Professor Smartass, Santa Monica, CA
NEVER let facts sway our reporting"
"We never report it until we know it's right--FAR
"If it didn't happen the way we say it happened,
then it never happened at all" --from viewer Dallas,
Dallas, TX
Bluster for Benighted Boneheads" --from viewer
News = "Goebbelsvision" --from a viewer
OF "GOSSIP AND RUMOR"" --from a viewer
Noose: We'll tell you when to jump" --from viewer Mud_Slide_Slim2005
distort, you abide" --from a viewer
contort, We deride..." --from a viewer
'News': And to the interests for which it stands: one
station, unbelievable, with bigotry and malice for all."
--from a viewer
presenting The Faux News starring Bully O' Liely"
--from a viewer
"We are even more sleazy than Simon Cowel" --from
Dennis, Warwick, RI
Kleptocracy for IDIOTS"
"Any fool can delude the unwary with falsehood; whereas
a champion liar adheres scrupulously to incontravertable
"Think of the media as a great keyboard on which
the government can play"
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it,
and eventually they will believe"
"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think"
--from a viewer
News: The Right Way to believe"
--from viewer Ed, Spokane, WA
News: Fighting the War on Truth"
--from a viewer
News: Defenders of facism in America"
--from viewer Albert, OH
to you by the Ministry of Truth" (from Orwell's 1984)
--from viewer Chad, TX
News: Watch it! Believe It! Because Big Brother Told you
--from a viewer
watching Fox, we're watching you!"
"Fox news: Our truthfulness pays off"
"Fox, The most Biased name in Propoganda"
"Fox news: Spreading Foxpox, not anthrax"
"Fox news: Fearfilling and Broken"
"Fox news: Right and Unbalanced"
"Fox news: We got the Shepard, now you be the sheep!"
"Fox news: Propoganda with a smile"
"Fox news: We decide, you lose"
"Fox news: Filtered for you from that evil truth!"
"Fox news: Because we can"
"Fox news: Safe and sound in a Bush"
"Fox news: Saving your mind from free thought and
"Fox news: Where the F stands for Fear, the O stands
for our IQ, and the X is just there to scare you even
"Fox news: Standing for Freedumb!" --from
viewer David, CA
off our medication and we believe what the voices are
telling us"
--from a viewer
Home of Sean Vanity, Giraldo "The Map" Riviera, Bill O'Really,
and the Twilight Zone Non-Factor"
"Fairly Unbalanced"
"Fox Entertainment News...the War Channel"
--from a viewer in CA
Lies disguised as truth"
--from viewer Jane, Redwood Falls, MN
Of Xhit"
--from a viewer in CA
News: For dumb Republicans like you"
--from a viewer
- Fake news for fake people"
--from viewer Craig
might be Right but we're Wrong" --from
a viewer
Unbalanced" --from
a viewer
a fine line between truth and news...and we don't care"
a viewer
GOPIG, All the time . If you aren't getting the truth
from Fox, U R a commie-pinko-pansy-atheist traitor. Please
leave the Holy Fatherland!"
--from viewer Greg, Reading, PA
--from viewer Milton, Chicago, IL
Goebbels News on Steroids"
--from viewer Musgrave, CO
ad nauseam. The truth in such big words you won't understand
--from viewer in CO
the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility.
Joseph Goebbels, Editor In Chief, FAUX News"
--from a viewer
official news agency of the Bush Administration"
--from viewer Gail, Arlington Heights, IL
Propaganda Station for a psychopathic Nation!"
"Media for Meatheads!"
--from a viewer
still getting advertisers to pay for this crap!"
a viewer
call 'em as we see 'em and we always make 'em up"
a viewer
on qualudes" --from
a viewer
Third Reich just wishes they had us" --from
a viewer
after a week, we still find all races in the election
too close to call"
--from a viewer
wingers wish it, so we dish it!"
"Where the wrong is made Right!"
--from viewer Sam
NEWS The ONLY TV channel available in HEAVEN!"
--from viewer Gary, PA
the anti-intellectual, xenophobic, jingoistic, conformist,
unreasonable few"
--from Mitch, Frankfort, IL
distort, you decry"
"Billowing Billo since 1996!"
"Fox - from our imagination to your television set"
"We tell lies, then deny"
"War? What war?"
--from viewer Ryan in Canada
News - because drunken pedophiles and influence peddlers
need love too"
--from viewer Trippin
News: No liberal traitors allowed, God bless our right-wing
conservative bigots!"
--from viewer Sue
Official Presidential Spokeschannel!"
--from viewer Randy, Mercer Island, WA
News: Fair and balanced weather reports. That's about
--from viewer James, Bloomington, IN
Hitler had us, you'd all be speaking German now."
--from viewer Robert, CA
"Brought to you by Citizen Murdoch." --from viewer Paul, Groton, CT
"We're voting for Rudy and so must you!"
"Democrats are Blue Collar - Republicans are Red Necks --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"Fox Noose: Don't worry dummies, we'll tell you when to jump" --from viewer mud_slide_slim2005
"Fox News...it's like journalism only less so." --from viewer Dexter, FL
"Stupid and Proud to Broadcast It Anywhere!" --from viewer Suze, Greensboro, NC
"Hannity & the Tramp" --from viewer Eric, El Paso, TX
"FOX NEWS: "We deceive, you believe" --from viewer Mike, Denver, CO
"Faux News Propaganda..No, We DON'T subscribe to the Television Code!" --from viewer Kim, NJ
"Faux News...rated number one by Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church Bunch!" --from viewer Kim, NJ
"Fox news is really:
NNN-Neanderthal News Network
CBS-Constantly Bull*hit and Stupidity
NBC-NO one in their right mind BOTHERS or CARES
We Lie, Red Staters buy it!
SUX News, Screwing Democrats over since our inception!
Fox News Smut..Larry Flynt loves us!
Fox News..where there's no such thing as the TRUTH!
BNN..Bill O'Reilly Nutcase News!
Fox News, just as silly as watching the grass grow!" --from viewer Kim, NJ
"FAUX News...You won't see our reporters on an A380 jet anytime soon, because we're still boycotting France!"
"Faux News..Truly Tasteless Blecch!"
"The unofficial Ministry of Misinformation of the Republican Party!"
"The following bunch of lies is brought to you in PUTRID STINK-O DEFINITION on FAUX!" --from viewer Kim, NJ
"Fox News-Chicken Soup for the Rich White Male Soul!"
"Faux News...goes great with a gallon of moonshine!"
"Faux News..news for people like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton!" --from Kim K. NJ
"All the poop thats fit to scoop! Literally! Where else are you gonna get the latest in Republican poop dujour pontifications?" --from 'Wax Mundane"
"Faux News...watched by more skinheads, neo-Nazis, and Klan members than any other news network!"
"Fox News...dishing out more dirt than the National Enquirer, Star, Weekly World News, and US Magazine combined!" --from Kim K. NJ
"Right to the Point!"
"The Right News at the Wrong Time!"
"Right, Wrong and Ridiculous!"
"We never let the truth ruin a good story!"
"The Right Way to Spend Your Day!"
"The Rights You can Depend On!"
"News Done Right!"
"We're Right and We Can Prove it!" --from Peter, Newbury Park, CA
"Faux News...The Ministry of (Un)Truth!" --from Kim K. NJ
"Fox News...because you can't handle the truth!" --from Kim K. NJ
"If you agree with us, than we'd both be wrong" --from viewer in Albuquerque, NM
"For Oblivious Xenophobes" --from viewer Wendy in Capitola, CA
"Fox News- Because mediocracy is always at it's best." --from viewer Mike in Minneapolis, MN
"Running out of spin" --from Robert
"FAUX NEWS....We love to lie, and it shows!" --from Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"FAKE NEWS CHANNEL..the #1 news channel for patriot militias everywhere!" --from Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"BREAKING NEWS...the sky is falling! More details as soon as we concoct them!" --from Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"FAKE NEWS CHANNEL...best enjoyed while stoned on Oxy's!"
"FARCE NEWS CHANNEL...in case you wonder where the horse manure goes!"
"FAUX NEWS CHANNEL...where all our on-air talent graduated the sixth grade, learnin' how to cipher!"
"Farce News-proud to bring rednecks news in a way they can actually comprehend!"
"Farce News...if we say THE END IS NEAR, you better believe it!"
"Farce News-the best kitty litter you`ll ever use..because that's all it's good for!"
"The 24-hour BS telethon, sponsored by the right-wing bull$hitters from the GREEDY OLD PERVERT party!"
"We lie...and we expect you to swallow all of it!"
"FAUX NEWS....approved by members of the Aryan Brotherhood!"
"Shut up, eh? No, Bully O'Ruthless, YOU SHUT UP!"
"FARCE NEWS CHANNEL...brainwashing detergent!!"
"All the falsehoods, all the time!"
"Sponsored by..the Republican Party, the Koch Brothers, Rush LIEbaugh, ExxonMobil, and BP/Amoco!"
"Farce News, brought to you by the Moral Majority and the John Birch Society!"
"FAKE NEWS..the reason why Red Staters buy a dish..so they can pop open a brew and get their daily ration of baloney!"
"Who cares if we make sense? You're dumb enough to watch anyway!"
"If we did news like we do sports, we would truly be fair and balanced. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!"
--from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"We don't rely on Fact Checkers" --from a viewer
"Fox News: Fairly Biased" --from a viewer
"News on OxyContin"
"Murrow is rolling in his grave, we're so awful!"
"Doing the Republican's dirty laundry, 24/7/365..366 on a leap year!"
"You want publicity for your Tea Party hoedown...Just send in Murdoch's bunch of clowns!"
"MCNN-Male Chauvinist News Network"
"NOG-News On Geritol"
"Faux News...all our on-air talent can blow up a polygraph machine!"--from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"Fox News keeping people dumb since 1997"
"At least The Daily Show doesn't try to sell itself as real news. It's called satire."
"Fox News Channel: Blowing the dog whistles You want to hear - 24/7. We blow; you decide."
"And zero wasted time with pesky facts. Why burden the listener with the truth."
"FOX NEWS: Pretending to Be Persecuted By Liberals Since 1997"--from viewer Drake
"Fox News: Where Truth Goes To Die"--from viewer bleuskies777