Us Find a New Slogan for the GOP
are asking our viewers for help in finding a new name
or slogan for the GOP using your creative spirits, energies,
and funny bones. We have started our list to help you
get a feel for the types of ideas we might be looking
Feel free
to email
this list of slogans to all of your friends. This
project will be lots of fun if everyone pitches in to
help! Who knows? We might even discover a great idea for
a new bumpersticker from this list!
of New Slogans for the GOP:
Guardians Of Plunder-from a viewer
The Gas & Oil Party
Now the GOC: Grand Old Cult
There are fine facists on our side
GREEDY...OLD...PRICKS-from viewer Ben, Cincinnati, OH
Great Old Parasites
Greedy Old Parasites-from a viewer
Gang of Putin-from viewer Mike, AZ
Genitally Obsessed Patricians
Geriatrics Oogling Pussies-from viewer Eric. Beloit, WI
Under TRUMP__The Contemporary GOP:
POLITICIANS-- from a viewer
Greedy old partisans -- from a viewer
Gang of Perverts --from a viewer
The Trump Enablers
The Know-Nothing Party
Grabby Old Perverts/Pedophiles --from viewer NihLyle, NJ
"Grand Old Pedophiles"
"Greedy old prostitutes"--from a viewer
"GOP - Growing Our Portfolios"
"GOP - Gaggle of Pariahs"--from viewer Sherri, Jackson, MS
"Grope, Obstruct, Pollute"--from a viewer
"Grand/Greedy Old Putins"
"Greedy Obtuse Profiteers"--from a viewer
"Grope Oppress Pollute"
"Gushing Over Putin"
"Gropers of Pussies --#GropersOfPussies
"BRAIN SIZE does NOT matter. HAND SIZE DOES! --from viewer Riley
"GOP=Groundless Operators of Power" -- from viewer
care more about you at the moment you were conceived and
when you die than we do in all the other years in between"
good Christians need apply...unless we need more votes
from Miami and NYC"
are here to serve the rich...the rest of you pay for it"
Americans are welcome as long as they don't expect us
to actually do anything for them"
the rich, by the rich, and for the rich voted in by those
who aren't but think they are"
Greedy Old Party"
God-fearing Old Party"
"Bullies R US"
don't send any of our children to serve in our wars"
for everyone else's kids"
science when it isn't good for business"
don't need to support abortion rights as long as we have
enough money to pay for one"
you hugged a frozen embryo today?"
abuse religion to reel in new supporters"
with Tom DeLay because our Party is infected with termites"
win elections the old fashion way - We steal them!"
Issues? Are there any other kind?"
woman's right to choose should be how long to stay in
the kitchen"
it weren't for leaders like Bush, you wouldn't hear so
many Bushisms"
can't elect anyone who doesn't need a teleprompter"
Presidents resemble the Royal family - They're all figureheads"
you won't play dirty to win...we don't want you!"
you once, shame on us...con you twice, because we can!"
God's Own Puke" --from a viewer
Bush: Often in Error Never in Doubt" --from a
Over Peace" --from viewer Pete in San Ramon, CA
Guardians of Petroleum" --from viewer Bryant,
Got Our Paychecks" --from a viewer
Oppression of the People - By Decree of King George"
--from Anthony, Cookeville, TN
bag" Barbara, "Camp Casey" Cindy, "Victims condemned"
Katrina ... so this is "compassionate conservatism"? --from
a viewer
Make Your Life Hell So You Don't Have to"
"We use your Social Security to wipe our asses"
--from viewer Gregg, England
Obnoxious Pricks" --from Karen, Niskayuna, NY
Oil Pirates" --from a viewer
a new kind of republic, brought to you by the Banana Republicans"
--from a viewer
LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR OIL" --from viewer Laura,
Brooklyn, NY
thy neighbor, (but not if they're poor)" --from
viewer Karla, Minneapolis, MN
--from Artist General, CA
Grand Old Pa$t$"
"Where Polluting, Taking Money from the Poor and
Minorities, and Hugging CEOs are Traditional Values"
"We Hate Those Commie Bleeding-Heart Liberal Pinkos
So Much, We Borrow Ideas from Stalin!" --from
a viewer in Canada
the environment! Together we can make our party's symbol
extinct" --from a viewer
And you thought bull s**t came from cows"
"GOP: We like taking away your civil liberties"--from
viewer Dennis, RI
In your heart, you know we're evil."
"Republican, the other white meat" --from
Keith, Springfield, OR
Over Paid and proud of it" --from viewer LP, Cambridge,
The party of the rich, the religious fundamentalist and
the redneck" --from viewer Joan.
old Party" --from a viewer
RepublicEnron Party"
"The RepubliKKKan Party"
"The RepubliKKKaans Party"
"The Republican Party: Rednecks, tramps and thieves"
"The RAPEublican Party"
"Grand Old Plantation"
"We create fascism over here so they can fight fascism
over there." --from a viewer
don't need no stinking constitution!!!!" --from
viewer Steve
Heil! (accompanied by fuehrer hand salute, of course)"
--from viewer Vic, Eagle Lake, FL
Insanity unleased!" --from a viewer
"EVERYBODY HATES GEORGE" --from a viewer
Greed Over People" --from viewer Nancy, Cincinnati,
Profit First, People Last Party" --from viewer
Joyce, Muncie, IN
--from a viewer
thanks Osama we are distroying America by ourselves"
--from a viewer
ONE PERCENT" --from Juli, Jacksonville, FL
sell wars and fear because we have nothing else we can
sell you!"
OF PROFITEERS" --from a viewer
Overspent Panderers" --from viewer Kevin
Other People"
"Game Over, People!"
"Guess Our Price!"
"Greed Over Patriotism"
"Grabbing OUR Piece"
"Grandiose Obnoxious Pricks"
"G.O.P.= Greed Over Principles" --from viewer
trying to say 'terrorists' - $5
Watching FOX news kiss Bush's butt - $6
Broadcasting VP Cheney shooting a lawyer - PRICELESS !!!!!!!"
--from viewer Kathy, Blytheville, Arkansas
Orwell's Pig's" --from viewer Laurence, Silver
Spring, Maryland
"Borrow + spend = GOP" --from viewer Dorothy
Stands for:
"We're Making America Safe for Hypocrisy."
"Grassroots' (Gasbags', Gommers' or Goobers'?)
"Organized Poison."
"Group Of Punks"
"Grassroots' Organized Poison."
"Gathering Obnoxious Parasites."
"Govern 'mentally' Outrageous Psychos."
"Governmentaing Oligarchy Publicly."
"George's Outer-limits Pushers."
"Governmental Octane Poppers."
"Gorilla /George's Orgy Patrol."
"Goofy's Ominous Politicians."
"Grievous (which means Body or Mind harmed by Drugs)
Oral Puppets."
"Gooneybirds On Power."
"Glorified Official Paperboys."
"Gory Oxymoron Peddlers."
AND "George's Oily Peccadilloes". --from
viewer Chris, Orange Co., CA
(Jeff) Gannon's Only Patrons"
"We kill democracy DEAD" --from Professor
Smartass, Santa Monica, CA
OF PAIN" --from viewer Mystic, TX
"GOP (GROSS OLD PAYOFF)"--from viewer Suzanne,
Santa Monica, CA
Good Old Petroleum" --from a viewer
Deflecting the afflicted; comforting the comfortable."
--from a viewer
Oil Profits"
"Giant Oil Prices"
"Greedy Old Politicians" --from viewer Tom,
Middletown, OH
is not to question why, ours is but to do and let someone
else die" --from Tom, Middleton, OH
putting corporate profits ahead of sound policy"
Overweight, & Pathetic!" --from a viewer
is not your father's party!" --from a viewer
rich are served. The rest of you go to [bleep] and die.
[maniacal laughter]"
"The Grand Party of Total Monarchy and Chaos"
"Morons' R' Us" --from a viewer
only thing we have to sell is FEAR itself"
and impotent - Just like George!"
The best politicians money can buy!" --from Tom,
Middletown, OH
Rebiblican Hypocracy" --from a viewer
ourselves richer by making everyone else poorer"
Greater Oil Profits"
"G.O.P. = God Ought to be Pissed-Off" --from
viewer Dino, Pittsburgh, PA
Gaggle of Pimps"
Proud Defenders of Theocracy, Divine Right of Kings and
Social Darwinism!" --from a viewer
GOP: We'll take you from conception to birth, after that
you're on your own"
"The GOP: Your Kids' Blood for Our Kids' Oil"
--from a viewer
Gasbags on Painkillers"
Gaudy Oil Profiteers"
Our God is bigger than yours" --from viewer Vicky,
No Multimillionaire Behind!" --from a viewer in WI
Oil Party"
Old Pigs" --from DRC in Boston, MA
one step ahead of the game by creating new lies to replace
our old ones"
Party of Greed and Fear"
Greed Over People"
nation under surveillance"
Macaca party"
Old Perverts"
Old Pedophiles"
Party ALWAYS Comes before Country"
all Clinton's fault!" --from viewer Tom, Middletown,
we lie to start wars, shoot people in the face and wipe
our wealthy butts with the Constitution. We ignore hurricane
victims and terrorist threats and blame the results on
the last Administration. Yeah, we take bribes and go on
golfing trips paid for by lobbyists. Yes, we can't wait
to get our grubby hands on your Social Security, sell
our ports to Arabs, and run up another trillion dollar
debt. True, we are internet predators and pedophiles,
but putting the Democrats in charge would be a DISASTER!"
--from viewer Tom, Middletown, OH
On Parade" --from a viewer
on parade" --from a viewer
Oil and Pages" --from a viewer
Ogling Pages" --from a viewer
Our Pages" --from a viewer
Old Perverts" --from a viewer
Old Pedophiles" --from a viewer
PREY ON your family not PRAY FOR your family"
--from a viewer
Gays in the Military, we save them for our congressman
to prey on!" --from a viewer
our perverts" --from a viewer
On Pricks" --from a viewer
a fine line between politics and insanity!" --from
a viewer
Oil Pirates" --from a viewer
Oil Prostitutes" --from a viewer
Old Perverts" --from a viewer
O P = Group Of Predators" --from viewer Nick,
Palm Harbor, FL
religion. We've got real power now" --from a viewer
you're not white, you're not right" --from a viewer
don't care how wrong I am, I'm Right damn it!"
--from viewer Bob, Denver
Bush and the Elephant he rode in on!" --from viewer
Brett, Golden, CO
for us! We'll Rove you hard up your Cheney with our Bush!"
--from a viewer
what happens when you put Legacy Students with money and
Athletics ahead of Academics and Research in our universities?"
--from a viewer
Diversity between the far Right and the extreme Right!"
--from viewer Pete, Golden, CO
what YOU voted for now that your over 30!"
--from viewer Marlyn, Boulder, CO
many K's in RepubiKKKan?" --from a viewer
only have to block the pesky extradition treaty with Paraguay
for two more years!" --from a viewer
a big tent party so long as you're white and stupid"
--from a viewer
democrats WILL raise your taxes to pay for our war! Do
you really trust those tax and spend democrats?"
--from a viewer
told you it was a vast Islamist, Iraqi, North Korean,
Liberal Media conspiracy. Remember?" --from a
not our fault, YOU voted for us!" --from a viewer
for us once, shame on you. Vote for us twice, oh it doesn't
matter now, we built the voting machines!" --from
a viewer
to us that you are as stupid as we think you are, vote
for us" --from a viewer
will lie to you until you're scared enough to vote for
us!" --from a viewer
you have to understand here, uh, is that, uh, 31% is a
mandate because the terrorists, uh, yeah, the terrorists
want you to believe otherwise........" --from
a viewer
us in South America...where all the really good facists
retire!" --from a viewer
Soon! The LAMEST DUCK ever!" --from a viewer
Oil & Pedphiles; Does it get any better than this?"
--from a viewer
actually make Fascism look like a viable alternative to
us!" --from a viewer
= Geeks on Perade"
"Government on Parole"
"Get Out Please"
"Grand Old Peasents"
"Group of Piss-Ants"
"Of The Rich" "By The Rich" "For The Rich" --from
viewer Scott, St. Paul, MN
enemies faster than we can kill them!" --from
viewer Musgrave, OH
Democrats were wrong again, Dan Quayle wasn't the biggest
dumbass and least qualified candidate for President on
the planet" --from a viewer
have ways of making you vote for us" --from a
Gone Wild" --from a viewer
leadership like this who's following?" --from
a viewer
Own Payback for raping the planet" --from a viewer
have nothing to sell but fear itself" --from viewer
Pete, Golden, CO
are the best at creating terrorists"
stepping and skipping along in the name of God and Oil"
--from a viewer
those furthest in the closet protest too much" --from
a viewer
heal thy self!" --from a viewer
hoping that the evagelicals go the way of the mood ring,
the pet rock, and the macarayna...soon!" --from
a viewer
new standards for hypocrisy everyday" --from a
Goofballs On Parade (think pink elephants on parade...)"
"GOP: We Don't Need No EDUCATION."
"GOP: If You're Not For Us, You're Against Us"
"GOP: Galavanting Old Peepers"
"GOP: Garbage On Pedestal"
"GOP: "GOD" is watching you"
"GOP: Gavel-Welding Old Partisans"
"GOP: "C" what DADDY can do for you!"
"GOP: Global Oil Profiteering"
"GOP: Holier Than Thou"
"GOP: Grumpy Old Psychos"
"GOP: And You Thought Only Dracula Drank Blood"
"GOP: Got Phallic Fixation? No Problem!"
"GOP: If You're Having Trouble Sticking Your Head
Up Your Own Ass...Let Us Do It For YOU! FOR FREE!"
"GOP: Not Enough $hit To Deal With? We Deliver!"
"GOP: Would You Like Flies.....I mean, Fries With
"GOP: Useful......Like Toilet Paper"
"GOP: We Don't Charge For The Spectacle. Oh Wait.....We
Just Got The Memo.....There's Been A CHANGE IN POLICY"
--from a viewer
with all our BS the public is still getting smarter"
--from a viewer
"Of course we don't want you to use contraception.
Where would we get all the bodies we need for our wars?"
a viewer
for the law, just one more service we offer"
--from a viewer
On Parade"
--from a viewer
Oppressive Pocket-pickers"
"The GOP: We'll find away to rob everybody. Because after
all, ifs for their own good."
"The GOP: Heck, we lie about all kinds of stuff. But Its
not really lying, because we said so."
"The GOP: Yeah, we know we've ripped off America, but
we felt having billions wasn't enough. Because after all,
men like us, you can never have too much money."
"The GOP: The truth? Yes, as long as we end up making
money, we consider it the truth."
"The GOP: We can lie as much as we want, because its the
right thing to do when there's this much money at stake."
--from viewer Wally, Portland, OR
outta power"
--from viewer Benny, Bellefonte, PA
AS We Say, Not As We Do"
--from Mitch, Frankfort, IL
Opionionated Pricks"
--from a viewer
no cash behind"
was always warned if I was not careful, something would
jump out of the "Bushes" and grab me." --from
a viewer
you can't impress them with intelligence, dazzle them
with bullsh**." --from
a viewer
am a War President."..I know how to make war...peace is
not an option for me." --from
a viewer
Ovaries, Plutocracy!"
--from Thane of Towson
for the poor - Socialism for the rich"
--from viewer Ted N., MD
stupid can the voters be? We have not yet found out."
--from a viewer
lie so much we can't even listen to ourselves anymore,"
--from a viewer
"GOP = Good ol' Phatkats" --from a viewer
"GWB--God Withheld Brains" --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"Greedy Oil Pigs" --from a viewer
"Goofy Old Perverts" --from viewer Linda, St. Charles, IL
"A Bridge To The 12th Century" --from a viewer
"WAR--We Are Republicans" --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"GOP: God's Ordained Party" --from a viewer in IL
"Show me a Texan with tangled spurs and I'll show you 'W'" --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"Grumpy Old Perverts" --from viewer Steve, Egg Harbor, NJ
"Gouging Oil Prices" --from a viewer
Below is a big list sent to us by a viewer in Oklahoma compiled from these sources: soonersusan1954, m2violin on, greco, Aimee in Oklahoma City, Bruner Blog, Carl Owen, Bill Ryan, coast2coast, nancylebov, cybercitizen, and Jon Stewart site's comments:
Limited Government... except for that whole "Unitary Executive" thing.
Faster, Bushycat! Kill! Kill!
War Profiteering is on the march.
You have bootstraps. Why don't you pull yourself up by them?
The earth is 6,000 years old, stem cell research = killing babies, and George W. Bush is not a war criminal.
For the masochist in all of us.
Dark Ages Rising.
Got Fascism?
No country for (anyone but) old men.
Corrupt is what we aim for.
Politicizing tragedy since 2001.
The party of Jesus - Screw the sick, screw the poor, rape the earth, we need more war.
Hope schmope.
Equality! Unless, of course, you're a woman, a homosexual, or an immigrant.
We're sorry?
Don't make us do this the hard way.
Keep fear alive.
What was so great about the Middle Class anyway?
Theocracy Now!
Killing you softly since 1994.
When you find yourself in a hole, keep digging.
The Life Nazis - No health care for you!
Aiding and abetting Wallstreet welfare kings, trust fund tagalongs, and hedge fund havens.
Tranfusing taxpayer blood into the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-insurance complex.
We're sorry.
We'll steal it anyway. Vote Republican.
Bush who?
We'll always have Bagdad.
Tippacanoe and Tyler too. (it worked before).
Please we don't want to have to spend more time with our families.
GOP 2008: Change Is Scary
Vote McCain. Pain. No Gain.
We bank on your insecurity and cash in on your stupidity.
Torture you can depend on.
Bend over, here it comes again!
WAR-We Are Republicans
The Republican Party. Not your parents' fascism.
And you thought bulls*** came from cows.
GOP=Giving Oilmen Prosperity
Straight talk from straight folks with a wide stance.
Survival of the richest.
We've got the change you deserve-right here!
Freedom's just another word we'd like to help you lose.
The Republican Party. We'll pull out, we promise.
GOP. Where hypocrisy is a way of life.
Conservatism... When being wrong is not enough.
Our eagle can fly high with just a right wing.
when repugs talk about change you deserve, they mean small change
anice in Palo Alto, Obama blog:
Change you deserve, if you can afford it.
Let them eat cake.
You Mean, This Isn't What Jesus Would Do?
Representing the Richest 1% and the Dumbest 48%
Pro-Life and Pro-Death
Give Us Four More Years and We Promise Pestilence and Plague
Blah Blah Blah Jesus Blah Blah Jesus Blah Blah Jesus Blah
Election Fraud Works!
Leveling the Playing Field Between America and the Third World
Accountability is for losers
LALALALA! We're Not Listening!!!!
We Don't Just Feel Your Pain, We're Responsible For A Good Portion Of It. And We Don't Care.
No More Sniveling, Except By Us.
When Good Things Happen To Bad People.
Wrong in 2000, wrong in 2004, why stop now?
We don't care for our candidate, his ideas or his track record. We just want to put him in office for bragging rights.
Speaking power to truth
The capture Bin Laden or bust party.
The beans in every pot, empty tank in every garage party.
The bring back 1984 party.
The elephants stampeding the Constitution party.
The bankers gone wild party.
Our cannon fodder is willing to fight your cannon fodder
WW3-Why Wait?
Give us the Keys to the White House Again
Of course we use dirty tricks...
What do you expect us to do, run on our record? --from a viewer in Tampa, FL
mcCAIN isn't ABLE --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"Promoting racial and religious bigotry to win elections since we don't have any issues."
"Gross Old Pigs" --from viewer Janet, Eugene, OR
RNC -- REAL NUT CASE --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
Greedy Old Parasites --from viewer Joseph B. Tucson, AZ
"GOP: Gouge Our People" --from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"Great Oil Prophets" --from viewer Musgrave, CO
"GOP-Greedy Old Profiteers" --from viewer Kim, NJ
"We're so desperate we took advice from 'Joe the Plumber'"
"Hate, bigotry and Ignorance - three mainstream American ideals we can unite behind!"
"Please hate responsibly" - from viewer Tom, Middletown, OH
"GOP: Greeds Our Priority" -- from viewer Joy, San Jose, CA
"God's Oil Pigs"
"We don't believe in killing the unborn so we wait to kill them later with wars, industrial pollution, and no health insurance!"
"Lower Wages-Higher Profits" --from a viewer
"Vote GOP and you will "trickle down" to Poverty."
"Vote GOP and the Middle Class will "trickle down" to nothing"
"Vote GOP...the masters of the Big Lie and Sabotage"
"Vote GOP...the gods of pietism" --from Wisconsin viewer
"Life begins at erection" --from viewer Tom in Wichita Falls, TX
"(G)od's (O)ddest (P)artners: Giving Christianity a bad name since 1980. --from viewer P. Carr, Seattle, WA
"Government by the rich and famous,only FOR the rich and famous!"
"Screw the working poor! Let 'em eat Government cheese!"
"The GOP...the reason why Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard is bare!"
"Screw the poor! White christian males only, no one with a shred of kindness need apply!"--from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"God-awful Old Party"
"GOP-Greed On Parade"
"We're ALWAYS sucking up to greedy corporate demagogues!"
"Men can do everything...women,stay home and in the kitchen!"
"GOP-The party of unchecked greed!"
"Greedy Oligarch Politicians"
"Gouging Our People"
"God-botherers On Percocet!"
"Greedy Old Pack of wolves!"
"We don't need no stinkin' act of Congress to start a war!"
"ABOVE THE LAW and lovin' it!"
FAKE PATRIOTS! Yep, that's what we are!"
"We get the best health care! Screw the mere commoners! Let 'em go to the ER and wait for hours!"
"We only pretend we're good Christians!"--from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
"Gorging on Prozac" --from Jeremy C., Bradenton, FL
"Greed Oriented Politicians" --from a viewer
"We will by our message as long as we suppress the vote of Black people, brown people, Gay people, Women and educated people through voter suppression, gerrymandering and keep our goober base fired up with propaganda. God bless
stupid voters." --from Jeff Mathis, Palm Bay, FL
"Make America Great again by putting God back in school, guns in every home and get the black man out of our White house" --from viewer Jeff Mathis